Having fully repainted the main living space I was able to push some furniture into their final resting places and shuffle piles of boxes. I couldn't wait to begin decorating and since the walls were the only places really settled so far, I hung up art. With the living area coming together I dove into preparing the kitchen for its overhaul. Thats when I found this horrific gem of plastic green + yellow floral shelf-ruffle inside my kitchen cabinets. That got ripped off really fast. Dishes and rags piled up around me and I slept on the couch for another night, waiting for my bedroom to air out from all the paint.
{click post title to view photos} Yes, the {first} Little House is finished -- well, as much as a remodel is ever "finished", that is. But this is hardly the last you will see of it. Come on in and take a look! A "catch all" for keys and such Every library needs a kiddo corner :) Chloe's coffee bar A post on all the kitchen details is coming soon! Curious about the living room details? Post coming soon to answer your questions! The spare room is still spare... ... either an extravagant closet, a decent office or a tiny bedroom! A post on where all the little bedroom details are from is coming soon! A break-down of the bathroom transformation is coming soon!
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